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Horizontal ladder outdoor gym equipment manufacturers

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New government guidelines published on encouraging disabled children to be more active
9th May 2023

Research has shown that children and young people with disabilities are less likely to be active than their non-disabled peers, potentially resulting in health disparities which may widen as they grow up.

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The benefits of outdoor gym equipment for older people
9th May 2023

The Washington Post reported that, by 2050, numbers of those aged 80 or older are expected to triple to reach 447 million globally. Exercise is critical for retaining independence through these later years, in this blog, we discuss why.

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How outdoor exercise can benefit children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
9th May 2023

The benefits of exercise and outdoor learning for children and young people are well documented. But for pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN), leaving the classroom behind and heading outside can be particularly beneficial.

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The benefits of outdoor training vs. indoor gym training 
19th April 2023

Even when the weather is less than balmy, just a few minutes’ daily exercising outdoors can yield a host of physical and mental health benefits which you won’t always feel when working out in an indoor gym. Here, we take a look at some of the mental and physical advantages of al fresco exercising, as compared to training within four walls, allowing you to make an informed decision about the way you get (and stay) fit. 

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How local authorities and councils benefit from investing in outdoor gym equipment
19th April 2023

According to Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis, there are more than a thousand outdoor gyms UK-wide. They’re typically funded by local authorities, and are available for anyone to access all year round, free of charge.

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Five reasons why exercise is good for stress
30th March 2023

Exercise outdoors, breathe, be in the moment – how exercise is great at reducing stress in more ways than one.

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The NEW Children's Fitness Rig
15th March 2023

Straight off the back of the hugely popular, award-winning ‘Big Rig’, Fresh Air Fitness is expanding its product portfolio for 2023 with the launch of the brand new Children’s Fitness Rig. 

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Top Ten Benefits of Strength Training
28th February 2023

From boosting your brain power to mindfulness and increased self-esteem, strength training has amazing benefits for body and mind!

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Fitness for Women and Girls
28th February 2023

Research has found that whilst 78% of 14-16 year old girls understood the importance of physical activity - only 28% enjoyed it. Read more in a Q&A with our Marketing Manager, Helen Charlton

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Sharpen Your Mind With Exercise!
8th February 2023

Research finds 6 minutes of moderate to intense exercise per day instead of light or sedentary activity improved the participants’ ability to focus, multi-task and remember instructions.

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