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Why Investment in Physical Activity Always Pays Off

You may already be aware that investing in physical activity is always money well spent, but now it’s official. Late last month, Sport England, the government-funded public body responsible for developing grassroots sports and getting people more active, published research showing the social and economic value of physical activity and sport.

calisthenics training rig

25th March 2025

Social value refers to the positive impact an activity, project, or organisation has on people, communities or the environment, beyond the financial or economic benefits.

The research, completed by the Sport Industry Research Centre with Sheffield Hallam and Manchester Metropolitan universities, found that every pound spent on community sport and physical activity returned more than £4 for the economy and society in England. 

The study, a three-year project which updates previous research and builds on two similar past studies, revealed that the joint social and economic value of community sport and physical activity reached £148bn in 2022-3 across England. This compared with the £35bn invested in these areas (combined financial and non-financial investment, such as volunteer time) during the same period. Put differently, this represents a return of £4.20 on every pound invested. 

The £35bn figure included consumer spending on goods and equipment such as clothing and membership fees, £2bn in local and national government expenditure and £1bn from educational institutions and charities, plus £5.6bn relating to volunteer replacement time, or the estimated cost of paying staff to undertake the tasks and responsibilities currently handled by volunteers.

Initial findings from this year’s project were published last autumn, when Sport England said that physical activity and sport generated more than £100bn in social value every year. 

Meanwhile, the rest of the project will provide further insight to increase understanding of the way sport’s social value is generated and distributed among various stakeholders. 

Chief executive of Sport England Tim Hollingworth said in a statement that the most recently revealed findings served as a strong “reminder of why we must continue to invest in getting and keeping our nation more active”. 

The benefits of exercise are of course well documented in terms of both physical fitness and mental wellbeing. Staying active also reduces preventable illnesses while providing the opportunity to cut health inequalities – one of the government’s five missions. (This is expressed as ‘making the NHS fit for the future’.) 

Health inequalities can include things like language barriers, poor past experiences, misinformation, service opening times and access to transport and childcare. 

How Outdoor Gyms Can Help

Outdoor gyms represent a cost-effective way of investing in physical activity in your own community, and yield significant societal benefits. Free at the point of use, this exercise equipment can help everyone become fitter and enjoy a better quality of life with a varied, full-body workout that’s accessible to all local users, allowing them to enjoy outside physical activity. 

Fresh Air Fitness is a leading, award-winning UK supplier of outdoor gym equipment with extensive experience in the sector. We work with schools, local authorities, residential homes and others to fit value-for-money outdoor fitness amenities our clients love. We have children’s exercise equipment as well as adults so everyone can use it, whatever their level of fitness or ability. We also have also fitness equipment for wheelchair users and children with special educational needs. And, often, we can rejuvenate a underused or unloved patch of land and convert this into an outdoor gym.  

Get in touch today or take a look at our brochure to find out more about how we could add value and increase activity levels in your community. It could be the best investment you ever make. 

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