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What is it that we value most?

Despite most people answering 'my health' as a nation we place little emphasis on preserving or maintaining it.

Older people enjoying exercise in the fresh air at a public park gym

11th December 2017

Many people asked what is the most important part of their life, would answer “My health” and often discussions around health include statements such as “You can’t put a price on it”. And yet, despite this, both individually and as a nation we place little emphasis on preserving and maintaining our health, preferring to put our trust in doctors to fix us if things go wrong.

More and more research shows that healthy diet and lifestyle, including exercise, socialising and connection with nature and fresh air are essential for our immediate and longer-term health and well being.

At a recent summit, Baroness Tanni-Grey Thompson made an impassioned speech to make health and exercise a golden thread that runs through the whole of our society, as a means of creating and binding communities, reducing loneliness and isolation and improving the overall well-being of individuals and society.

Here at Fresh Air Fitness, we couldn't agree more that health and outdoor exercise are vitally important, which is why we are proud to supply public park gym equipment to parish, borough, and county councils across the UK. If you'd like to find an outdoor gym near you, visit our Installations page.

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Active Ageing