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Why Take Your Training Outdoors In The Summer Months?

Summer has finally arrived in the UK and now is the perfect time to be out and about. An excellent way of spending more time outdoors is to move your exercising outside, to your local park, especially if you typically work out in a standard gym with four walls and a roof.

table tennis table in local park

5th August 2024

The benefits of outdoor workouts are plentiful. Here are a few you may not have previously considered: 

1. It’s sociable 

Of course, you can have social interaction in a regular gym, especially if you sign up for weekly classes and so on. But an outdoor one can bring you into contact with a whole set of people you may not otherwise have met.  The whole community can use these facilities widening the circle of fellow exercisers you encounter. And you can, of course, arrange to meet others there and work out together. 

2. It’s free

Outdoor gyms are free at the point of use. There’s no joining or membership fees or extras such as charges for classes which some regular gyms impose. Giving the whole community the opportunity to work out as often as they want to without worrying about any associated costs.

3. It’s flexible

This is another important advantage. You’re not confined to indoor gyms’ opening hours or set times for classes, or the need to book a time slot, but can instead train flexibly at your own pace, at a time that best suits you. 

As long as the park or similar space is open, your outdoor gym will be as well. 

4. Get an extra Vitamin D hit

Vitamin D helps to regulate the body’s phosphate and calcium levels, which you need for healthy teeth, bones and muscles. Without it, children are at risk of bone deformities such as rickets, while adults can develop the condition osteomalacia, which can lead to bone pain. 

For most of us, there’s no better source of Vitamin D than direct sunlight. So get your fix as you work out for a well-being double whammy. 

5. Great for your mental health 

Another wonderful benefit to an outdoor workout is that your mood will lift even more than it does when doing so inside. Open-air exercise acts as a natural anti-depressant, even over fairly brief periods. 

These workouts are highly enjoyable and so, somehow, sessions can often feel far less effort. This means you’re more likely to stick with the programme you’ve decided to follow.  

Finally, sunlight naturally increases the mood-boosting hormone serotonin, while exercise itself generates feel-good endorphins, again enhancing mood while also reducing pain. 

Outdoor gym equipment from Fresh Air Fitness

At leading, award-winning specialist Fresh Air Fitness, we provide high-quality, fully compliant outdoor gym equipmentwith a warranty of up to 25 years. Our outdoor exercise equipment is also suitable for all users, whatever their age, ability or fitness level. 

Talk to us about having a facility like this at your park, recreation ground, school or other setting, so that your community can make the most of sunny days with an outdoor workout. 

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