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The role of outdoor gyms in prisons

Exercising in prison is just as important as it is anywhere else, and physical activity has a significant impact on inmates’ physical and mental wellbeing, plus their ability to engage with others, and on discipline and good order in a jail. 

outdoor gym in cage

8th July 2024

Exercise and fresh air in prisons – what do the rules say?

The Prison Rules is a key piece of legislation from 1999, governing the way jails should be run. It outlines minimum requirements for physical activity, amounting to an hour a week for those aged over 21, or an average of two hours weekly for younger inmates. 

Additionally, according to government guidelines: 

“All prisoners should … spend between 30 minutes and half an hour in the open air every day.”

But the regime (the prison routine dictating when people are unlocked for exercise, work, meals and association with others), will differ from one institution to another. And, perhaps surprisingly, the rules stating how long someone can be locked up for are few and far between, while being locked up in a cell for an extended period is not actually unlawful. Much may also depend on individual staffing levels. 

The Prison Reform Trust says time outside may be spent in two periods, but no more than that. The time can include moving between activities in the open air, working outdoors or watching or participating in sporting activities. 


How inmates benefit from open-air gyms

Assuming an institution is sufficiently staffed, and the regime follows the recommended guidelines for prisoners’ time outside and physical activity, an outdoor gym could provide the perfect solution, offering the chance for a full-body workout with cardio and strength-training equipment.

We all tend to feel better for some fresh air. But benefits for inmates could include: 

  • Enhanced energy and confidence 
  • The opportunity to let off steam in safe, controlled way 
  • Increased metabolism 
  • Better liver function 
  • Improved sleep 
  • Higher levels of vitamin D for healthy bones, teeth and muscles 
  • Stronger immune systems 
  • Improved heart rate
  • Relief for conditions including depression, anxiety and stress through the boosting of serotonin production and reduction in cortisol (the ‘stress hormone’) plus the releasing of endorphins or ‘feel good’ hormones
  • Better relationships among inmates, who will relate to each other in a different way in a relaxed yet active setting – it may also be possible to introduce an element of friendly competition to workouts 
  • An open-air exercise facility can also give prisoners targets to work towards – for example doing 10chin-ups without stopping – while each inmate will enjoy feeling their personal fitness improve 
  • The chance to develop coordination and flexibility 
  • Crucially for a prison setting, Fresh Air Fitness outdoor gyms are vandal resistant, testament to this are the successful installations into more than 500 yards across the UK.


How Fresh Air Fitness works with Prisons across the UK 

Fresh Air Fitness is the UK’s leading provider of outdoor gym equipment. Our equipment are specifically designed to withstand rigorous use, and suit all abilities and fitness levels. Users can vary their training from high-intensity to working out for longer periods. 

We prioritise safety, long warranties and the quality of our exercise products; plus we’re there for each project from initial idea through to completion, aftercare and beyond. 

What’s more, having won the national contract for HM Prison Service, we are the sole supplier of this equipment to prisons in the UK, so we have a thorough understanding of the needs of this sector. 

Get in touch for an initial conversation about what we could do for your prison, and we’ll take it from there. 

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