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Bonnyrigg outdoor gym/ trim trail Fresh Air Fitness

"Add 7 years to your life by using outdoor gym equipment" Chis Oliver, University of Edinburgh

Find out how Bonnyrigg have made a tragic situation into something that will benefit the entire community for years to come.

Bonnyrigg fitness trail equipment in use | Outdoor Gym Fresh Air Fitness

23rd May 2017

After the tragedy of David Dunn, the new fitness trail has brought the people of Bonnyrigg together, making them stronger as a community as well as physically. 

“David Dunn was a local hero and this is an everlasting memory to him and means a lot to the family. This trail sums up what he did that day for the community.” Gary Locke, Hearts and Raith Rovers manager.

“Dad was born and bred Bonnyrigg and he would be very happy that this trail is now part of the community.” David Dunn, son of the late David Dunn.

Orthopaedic surgeon and Professor of physical activity for health at the University of Edinburgh, Chris Oliver said: “If everyone can avoid a sedentary lifestyle by incorporating physical activity into their daily and weekly routine by using this trail then they may live seven years longer.”

Read more about the fitness trail equipment in the outdoor gym at Bonnyrigg in our case study.

Outdoor gym equipment is a fantastic addition to any green space. At Fresh Air fitness we have been installing outdoor gyms since 2007 and currently offer excellent lead times from booking to installation. Do contact us to find out more or request a brochure. 

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