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Fresh Air Fitness surfacing made from recycled materials

Going Green with Outdoor Gym Equipment

Ever wondered how Fresh Air Fitness outdoor gym equipment is pieced together? It is a detailed process to reach our finished product and we make sure it takes care of our environment along the way

Fresh air Fitness Solar Panels at Factory

10th August 2020

1. Being green and sustainable

At Fresh Air Fitness we research, design, manufacture and install outdoor gym equipment for adults and children. Our mission is to provide a sustainable product which gives whole communities the opportunity to tackle inactivity in society and to create accessible fitness, for everyone, for free, for years to come.

When we build our outdoor gyms, we research and develop our technologies and practices to lessen our impact on the environment.

2. From factory to field

The Fresh Air Fitness outdoor gym equipment takes shape, piece by piece, in a factory where we work together to strive towards the constant improvement of our manufacturing processes which are non-polluting, conserve energy and protect natural resources.

A photovoltaic power station converts light into electricity to power our factory, a filtration system minimises carbon output of our machinery and our industrial ovens are energy efficient, minimising impact on our environment.

3. Robotics and automation

Where the Fresh Air Fitness outdoor gym equipment components are made, the factory uses laser cutting machines for cutting materials. These machines are run by a computer-generated program which means there is far less waste on all raw materials.

Our products are welded using a robot welding machine. This produces more components in less time, using less energy. No human contact is required, allowing our workforce to supervise the process at a safe distance.

4. Recycling and reusing

Recycling reduces the need for the extraction process such as mining, quarrying or logging as well as the refining process of raw materials, all of which create substantial air and water pollution. Recycling saves energy, it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and it directly impacts climate change.

After production at the factory, all of the individual components of outdoor gym equipment are packaged and then when the equipment is pieced together by our team in our warehouse, the finished products are all re-packaged to deliver to our customers, using exactly the same packaging that the components arrived in, significantly reducing unnecessary waste.

5. Installation and use

Our human powered, eco-friendly outdoor gym equipment is used in schools, hospitals, corporate business parks, holiday parks and public parks up and down the UK. Our outdoor gyms require no electricity, they are low maintenance, and use very little human resource.

The majority of the materials used in the construction of our outdoor gyms include aluminium, steel, and sustainable plastics. We also make our mulch surfacing using 100% recycled tyres - all of which helps to protect our beautiful planet.

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